Why does Firebug return an error in my doctype?

Explain how you can get boostrap model video to stop playing because when close the model, still hear it in the background.

How can we set the items per page to a view, programatically?

Display the total number of rows shown in a Drupal view using views_get_view function .

Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling..

I have added a 301 redirect as follows, Redirect 301 /drv/drv1/path /drv/drv1/ Redirect 301 /drv/drv1/path/path1 /drv/drv1/ yes there was no issue but when i goes to the /drv/drv1/path/path1 it redirect to /drv/drv1/ and the end found a solution for the issue 🙂 Just only change the order witch i had put in .htaccess Redirect 301 […]

To minify HTML output in Drupal 7, you can remove line breaks. This can be done in your template file html.tpl.php.

truncate strings when they are longer than 20 chars. Words must always stay together, so that this:

Please take note this tutorial is intended for intermediate levels of experience. Having said that, It’s still relatively easy to follow, so long as you are fairly familiar with CSS and jQuery.

Shorten a long URL The Google URL Shortener API allows you to shorten URLs just as you would on goo.gl.